AIS Position Error?
Yup, a Bluetooth one at that! I still need to send it in for the AIS port
upgrade though. The MiniPlex has been really nice to have on board.
Same thing onboard of Motion².
I have setup a Raymarine E80 together with Raymarine S3G course
computer (build in rate gyro!) together with AIS (via Easyais receiver)
and all NMEA data of the Seatalk bus via a graphic ST60 display. All
NMEA data flows go via Multiplexer to Bluetooth (and laptop behind it)
as well as to the E80 (at baud rate 38k).
The baud rate is very important due to the amount of NMEA data of the
RateGyro, other NMEA and AIS (more the 200 hits in the Rotterdam area).
The normal 4k NMEA speed is simply to slow to transport all the data.
With the mulitplexer receiving multiple data streams (from S3g and
EasyAis and ST60) at 4k and sending it out at 38k to E80 (and
Bluetooth), it all works without any collisions or loss of data.