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Larry Larry is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 5,275
Default AIS Position Error?

RW Salnick wrote in news:ed2bcl$aiu$1

I think you may want to go a little farther than depending on WEP for
protecting your network... Netstumbler requires about 1 minute's worth
of traffic to break a WEP key.


Not a problem. We're dealing with sailor-bankers, sailor-lawyers, sailor-
just-plain-rich-people.....not intensive hackers with banks of computers
and millions of lines of code experience. From my experiences helping them
getting their VHF antenna to radiate, reliably, and some of the other
situations they've asked me to help with, there's no danger at all.

If they can't figure out how to hook up the new starting battery to a
Yanmar, there's little danger they're going to break the WEP code in the
wireless lan any time soon....(c;

Some of the lawyers can't load a flashlight. I've never figured out why
society allows lawyers to make so MUCH money with so little brains. How

There's amazing intelligence in the Universe.
You can tell because none of them ever called Earth.