AIS Position Error?
Larry wrote:
"Meindert Sprang" wrote in
450mA at 3.3V
450ma x 3.3V = 1.485w at 13V = .114A x 24 = 2.74AH which isn't much a
significant part of a small 330AH house battery, even smaller on the two
banks of beasts we drag around in the stern. 2.7AH a day isn't much of
an issue, is it?
It wouldn't if it were the only WiFi network hw on the boat;
unfortunately one is not very much use :-) by definition you need two.
The power draw starts to add up if you are going to replace all
NMEA/Seatalk/whatever-bus drivers with WiFi. 3 sensors, 6 displays, 1 PC
adds up to 27 Ah... that's no longer neglible.