"DSK" wrote in message .. .
| Paladin wrote:
| There is no heat source in that case but the water
| is not boiling.
| Go to a dictionary and look up the definition of boil.
| You will note that it mentions application of heat.
| Well, here's your problem... you seem to think that a
| dictionary is the ultimate scientific reference.
| I suggest a high school physics text... don't strain
| yourself trying to read it, just look at the pictures!
The dictionary is the ultimate language reference and since things are discussed using
language the discussion must share common ground of accepting definitions of words.
Much confusion can be avoided if common ground is adhered to by those discussing even
scientific concepts. Ideally, scientific concepts need to be discussed using math as
there is agreement upon math entities. But since you have shown that you cannot even
grasp language it demonstrates how futile it would be to use math to discuss this
word "boil".
Nobody invited you into this discussion with your ignorant statements. Butt out with your
unwanted butting in...
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