"George Orwell" wrote in message ...
| Paladin wrote:
| "Nomen Nescio" wrote in message ...
| | Undeniably so. If I were you I'd feel cheated.
| |
| If you were me you'd be four times more intelligent, five times more
| handsome, and ten times richer.
| Relative to what? A garden slug?
| I couldn't give away that many IQ points on a bad day even if I had
| a case of swill you're on, my dog would commit suicide if I came home
| looking half a butt ugly as the best looking member of your banjo
| strumming inbred family, and I've ****ed away more money at the
| matinee stuffing fivers between your wife's floppy titties than you
| make in a year and a half at the truck stop.
| Your limp dick caliber of "wit" doesn't impress me at all sonny. You're
| not my equal in a battle of fact OR flame, and we can all see that. So
| just belly crawl back under whatever dung heap you call home base
| before I make it a 10 minute project to **** really hard in your
| Cheerios instead of givin' you little love spanks across the cheeks
| with it.
Whoa! Move over George Carlin...
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