Also Sprach Calif Bill :
If WA is similar to CA, you can crab all year long. Dungeness is only open
Oct-Jun, but rock crabs are open all year.
Nope, not up here. All crab species don't open until the first friday in
June, and close when the season alottment (determined by random survey of
catch record cards) is reached. The season closed really early last year,
in part because of poor design of the catch record card. It had a box for
the number of crabs caught, rather than number of crabs kept, so some
people would count all the crabs they found in their traps, even females
and undersized throwbacks, and put that number on their card. So, the
survey might indicate 50 crabs "caught" on a particular day, when that
person only actually harvested their limit of 6. It's been clarified for
this year, although poachers like this:;f=1;t=017610
who take 20 times their limit sure don't help the rest of us who follow
the rules get a fair shake at some fishin time.
Beware of mathematicians and all those who make empty prophecies. The
danger already exists that the mathematicians have made covenant with
the devil to darken the spirit and to confine man in the bonds of hell.
-- St. Augustine