AIS Miracle near Liverpool!
On Fri, 01 Sep 2006 18:07:09 -0400, Larry wrote:
Donald Lancaster wrote in news:OW0Kg.12228$r61.7769
There's plenty going on now, 11 vessels, so I imagine the site was down.
Or your path to the site might have been interrupted.
[snip interesting DNS story]
It is showing some ships, now, thanks. I did get the map outline,
just no ships. Presumably the map outline and the ship display are on
the same server?
I RTFM, after posting, of course :-) and the site designer explains
that he receives signals up to, say, 35 miles away. In fact the North
Channel is probably further than 35 miles from Liverpool, so some AIS
signals are reaching his system from longer away than his FAQ
suggests. But the site shows nothing on the 'atlantic gateway' along
the top of the Irish coast, or up towards the Minch. Presumably,
those areas are well beyond his system's capability.
I wonder if there is any way for the site to develop to display all
the traffic in the map areas that the site already contains? I'm
interested because we live on the coast, and notice that many of the
ships passing are bound for the North Channel, on their way to
wherever they are going.
And I've taken note of that DNS suggestion, thanks for that.
best wishes,