"Leonard" wrote in news:1158153638.623465.55270
I fail too see how a web site on making your own biodoesel will get you
I must have confused chemistry with those electrons, protons and
neutron things that move current.
Who needs biodiesel? ONE Hardees hamburger joint tells me I can have 7
gallons of frying oil per DAY! 2 miles from home is so much "fuel" for a
converted diesel engine I doubt you'd ever have a fuel cost again! I'm
talking 200 gallons a DAY!
The temptation to drive my Mercedes 220D and 300TD to them for conversion
is simply overwhelming.....(c;
Free fuel on every corner, here!
For free electricity, I like:
Built from scratch. Generates power turning so slowly from a multiphase
alternator with magnets that can rip your arm off. They even whittle
their own blades!
There's amazing intelligence in the Universe.
You can tell because none of them ever called Earth.