Understanding & Installing Your Own Solar Electric System - SPAM WARNING
Evgenij Barsukov wrote:
I would not call it a spam,
as topic of the book is relevant to this group
and from looking at the table of contents it appears to be interesting.
That's one metric.
One time announcements of production relevant to
news group topic are not prohibited by the [charter].
There other parameters that determine what is spam spewing:*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-Baked-Beans-*-*+*-*-*-*-will-*-mark-a-crossposted-article-as-read+Multiposting+Excessive-Multi-Posting+*-*-*-*-*-it's-good-behaviour+originally-*-*-*-EMPs-only
This one doesn't pass the stink test.