Shortwave Sportfishing wrote:
On 16 Sep 2006 06:55:42 -0700, "basskisser"
Shortwave Sportfishing wrote:
Yeah, there's never been a report of rabies in anything in New England,
huh? Only in Paris. One case, one time. I suppose that will be the
reason to not broaden your horizons, huh?
In 1516, Ludovico Ariosto wrote a sequel to Matteo Maria Boiardo's
"Orlando Innamorato" titled "Orlando Furioso".
While not exactly a sequel in the sense that it followed the classic
theme of "knight errant" (the concept of courtly love and chivalry) as
the seminal work did, it uses certain concepts from the Roland/Orlando
mythic construct to provide a backdrop for the basic knight in love
plot line.
One of the main tenants of the "Orlando Furioso" is the "Culture of
Contradiction" and is directly applicable to today's social
environments - many allegories and metaphors demonstrate the fallacy
of human senses and judgment in particular with respect to how it the
theme relates to human interaction.
One of the more interesting passages in "Orlando Furioso" deals with
the character Astolpho who is basically a Beowulf clone both in theme
and particulars. In this particular passage, Astolpho travels to the
Moon and finds it to be a treasure house of everything wasted on Earth
- misspent time, ill-spent wealth, broken promises, failed quests
hopeless ambitions and Wasted Lives kept in vases lining the craters.
The latter, Wasted Lives, and the original theme of Cultural
Contradiction are apropos here because being a Creature of
Contradiction, you consistently attempt to prove the superiority of
your view even when faced with evidence to the contrary.
In short, one of those Wasted lives in a crater on the Moon has the
name Basskisser on it.
And being a Creature of Contradiction, you don't even realize it.
There's no need to be fickle and childish. Just because I've stated you
are narrow minded in regards to other countries (and you are). I have a
happy and fullfilling life. You know nothing about my life, but dare to
make wild allegations about it. You're turning into JimH. Next I
suppose you'll be accusing me of beating my wife and kids, growing,
smoking, selling pot, all without any evidence of such, just like Jim.