Radar goes dim
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Kathy K has an elderly Furuno radar (1750 I think). The scanner is a 1.5
open array. The radar has worked fine until this summer. Now every once
a while the display goes dim. Only the edges of object are bright with
dimmer interiors. Then after awhile its all bright again.
Does anybody have an idea what's happening?
Phil Keys
Kathy K, Willard 36
Sounds like the STC control circuit is unstable. Seems like there was a
screwdriver adjustment pot under a little clip on cover (front panel) as
well as the knob control. (whew, it's been a long time) Pots (both
screwdriver and knob operated) are not forever, but often temporary (real
temporary) cures can be achieved by turning them from one end of travel to
the other 35 or 40 times..... sort of cleaning up the card and/or wiper.
The screwdriver one is pretty fragile, and is easily damaged with a clumsy
screwdriver, and broken pcb traces right at the pot can cause interesting
display problems.
Again, it's been more than 10 years since I was a Furuno fixer, 1st
class, so I could be all wet. Again.
Old Chief Lynn