basskisser wrote:
Country? ship? anywhere?
I was never on the slave ship FREDENSBORG, But I can't say there's much
I'd appreciate about it. And unless you were a Dutch slave trader, I
doubt if anyone could say much good about it anyhow....
Please read my statement again.
But, again, let's educate you a tad. You DO realize that after being in
horrendous dungeons for up to a year, that the slaves were, sometimes,
treated better aboard ship and afterward, don't you?
Are you a racists Kevin? You appear to be of the the thought that they
are better off now than they were before.
Suppose you are taken from the ******** you live in and placed into a
nicely painted ********. Are you better off in your new nicely painted
And, you didn't answer the question I asked. Do you think that it's
OPEN minded to instantly and continuously say negative things about a
country you've never been to?
Open minded? You make uneducated judgements every day, should you
continues to do so?