Buy Citgo gas and pay Chavez
"Dan Krueger" wrote in message
JimH wrote:
Not OT as there are Citgo gas stations at marinas across the US.
With every dollar you spend at a Citgo station (owned by Hugo Chavez) you
put money towards the weapons he purchases with an aim to kill you, your
family and your friends in the United States. Those dollars will
eventually buy the nuclear missiles he will station on Cuba.
Doubt me? Just wait. Once Fidel passes away we will see the Cuban
missile crisis relived, this time more volatile and lead by Hugo Chavez.
A Venezuelan company is a minority owner in Citgo. Less than 10% I think.
While Chavez IS a huge ass, he doesn't seem to be that minority owner.
Citgo is a wholly owned subsidiary of PetrĂ³leos de Venezuela, Venezuela's
state owned petroleium industry. A former US company, it is headquartered
in the US. It is *not* "owned" by Hugo Chavez.