On 2006-09-21 07:26:45 +1000, "nollaigoc" said:
The Navico Corus system uses the canbus protocol,
an open protocol, which is commonly used in automotive engine control
systems. This is similar to NEMA but faster. Try googling for canbus
and you may be able to find information to help you to troubleshoot.
The cable ends need terminating resistors.
I too have a Navico corus system. When Simrad bought out Navico, they
abandoned the Navico product line in favour of their proprietary
system. Very anti-competetive.
Good Luck
Clark wrote:
Peter Wrote:
I have a Navico Corus windset. It does not work anymore. Before I send
the manufactory I want to measure if there is a problem with the
windset or
the cable. Who knows what I can measure on the cable(colors) or
windset? Is
there a scematic on the internet?
Thanks Peter
I'm in the same boat, so to speak. Navico is out of bussiness, Simrand
bought them out but dosen't do any work on Navico parts and has no
The cable is just a couple of twisted pairs. You can just check it
with an ohm meter. The windset can be tested by using another cable to
your display head.
If you decide to abandon your Navico instraments I might be interested
in buying some parts to keep my system going.
Clark Willix ) www.goecities.com/willix
Well the interface may be stabdard but the data protocol sent over it
is not. It can be whatever the user (manufacturer wants).
As soon as any Navico gear stops working you have three choices:
1. Fix it yourself
2. Dump it and get along without it
3. Replace it with something that is supported
Simrad's parent has a handy knack of acquiring competitors and then
deep sixing them. Navico is one such case. I wonder how long B&G will
exist since they have been bought out by Kongsberg too?