Newbe - What's a good size to start with
Also Sprach Gould 0738 :
Maybe it's different in my state, but boating deaths go up exponentially the
further one gets down below 20 feet LOA.
Did you conveniently forget to mention that the number of boats on the
water increases exponentially below 20 feet? For instance, combining
King and Snohomish counties, there are 72,000 boats under 20 feet, 15,000
between 21 and 30 feet, and 6003 31 feet and up.
Of course there are going to be more deaths below 20 feet, there are a lot
more of them on the water. I won't deny that the operators are likely to
be less experienced, or that the boats are likely less stable in rough
weather, but they're nowhere near the deathtraps your statistical
manipulation makes them out to be.
In fact, in some ways you are safer on a boat less than 20 feet. A boat
less than 20 feet is required to have flotation... basic flotation for
inboards and stern drives, and level flotation for outboards. Over 20
feet, there is no legal requirement for flotation, and most don't have it,
so will sink like a rock.
Aerodrome (n) - British word for airport. About what you would expect from
a country that gives its airplanes names like Gypsy Moth and Fairey Battle