Wind gen (reply from poster)
"Joe" wrote in message
You want to coddle the putz feel free. If he's to FN stupid to look up
the specs, and compare cost then thats his problem. FN retard comes
here expecting a consumer report 4 bar graph with preformance specs,
cost, bearing life, voltage output, regulator info, wiring specs,
ect.ect.ect..... then pitches a bitch when people tell him of what they
have seen and heard, real pratical knowledge this putz ingnores.
Are you implying that ASA as a collective is unconsciously incompetent by
only quoting second hand info and results from antiquated equipment
Nobody here seems to have a wind gen..... how they feel able to relate
opinion or experience is somewhat beyond me. We understand that Chucky
merely posts so he can be certain to be heard and thus feel important enough
to contribute.... but since what he contributed was not addressing the
question, never mind it contained dated personal opinion that could be
obtained from the dumbest dock urchin... it merely validates Barry's opinion
that the replies did not contain sufficient information to qualify as an
address to his inquiry.
I do believe Barry has judged the group on it's lowest denominator of
idiotic replies... in this case presented by Chucky. I'm certain we'll
continue to be assessed as that until Chucky has a revelation and realizes
he is as dumb as a carrot. We all know Chucky is a dipstick with the brain
waves of a clam.... Newbies may not.. until they are subject to a reply
containing the type of drooling idiocy that Chucky is famous for.
Let's face it.... Chucky is an idiotic arsehole.