Sounds like a great place for sailing, but do your guys do
OK traveling to regattas where there is light air?
OzOne wrote:
Yeah, not too bad.
We have Botany Bay which is always very flat and true.
Setups for there usually don't need a real lot of refining for light
conditions but we always get beaten by the guys who sail in the light
stuff all the time.
Getting a boat going, and keeping it going, in almost no
wind at all is quite a skill but it doesn't hav emuch to do
with "sailing."
When it gets bumpy or fresh, they disappear out the back unless they
are the international guns.
It's not difficult to keep a boat going well over chop in
decent breeze... the challenge is to keep focussed on doing
that while *also* reading the fleet, the course, the
windshifts, etc etc... and to be able to keep doing it at
near peak for a couple hours at a time.
I need to get more practice!
Oh BTW when the seas are around 6' need a decent breeze....
Depends.... some folks like a challenge 
Heh heh...I prefer a beer :-)
Me too.
Quite a few times in the past, while racing in leftover slop
& chop as the wind is dying, I've said to myself "Why keep
doing this?" Then you realize that it would be just as
agonizing to sail back in as to finish the race
Fresh Breezes- Doug King