Newbie intro and some qustions...
Jeff wrote:
Its very easy to say you don't need
much, but have you ever lived really cheap?
Besides growing up poor - yes - just out of college - I was working as
a portrait phootographer making $6.50 an hour - I delevered pizza on my
days off - was working 7 days a week for ~ 6 months - ended up quitting
my Monday deliveries for one day off a week - then worked 6 days a week
for the next 6 months - then landed my first job - a QC inspector
making $22K per year - did that for almost 2 years then landed a
Production Planner job - $25K - got a raise to 30K a year later and my
salary has been increasing ever since - that Planner position was over
7 years ago and 2 companies later.
So out of college I lived real cheap for a # of years.
maybe. I've seen helicopters and cars on boats, but most cruisers get
by with a bicycle.
Got one - trek mountain bike.
Dock space is 1 to 3 dollars a foot per night for transients.
That's not cheap - anchor in bays instead?
You should be able to
recharge batteries by running the engine - if you're traveling an hour
or so a day would be more than sufficient.
Got it.
Actually, if you don't
have a fridge, a small solar panel might be enough.
SEe my idea about a wind powered alternator - don't see why that
wouldn't work for batteries and a fridge.
- How many meals do you eat with fish you caught? So do food costs also
I've never seen anyone make a serious dent in the food budget that
way, but it varies a lot with locale.
Yeah, already was told that - was just thinking it might help. I also
think that deer hunting would help as well.
There's no way to say. Can you do engine maintenance? Can you sew sails?
Now - no - but I'm a self tuaght photographer, self taught musician and
went to school for a technical biz degree as well as an Industrial
Engineering degree - there is nothing that I can't learn or figure out
- do you think thay are 2 important skills that I should start working
My experience: none.
Then get some experience so you can ask intelligent questions.
Already working on it.
Yes, if you're alone. Is that how you plan to spend your life?
Would like a woman by my side - but I'm alone at the present, so I
guess the answer is yes. That's not so bad.
The truth is that most cruisers have some
experience before they take off, and most of the horror stories we
hear are from those who decided they could learn on the way. Spend a
couple of years learning to sail.
I'm planning on spending 4 years - that wwill give me enough time to
save money for the boat as well and build a photog biz - I'm not an
idiot - I'm not about to jump into something like this - my vision is
at least 4 years out but am prepared to wait longer if need be.
Seek out the local live-aboard
marina and try to meet people there.
Would love to - how do I find them? Wonder if there's one here in
BTW, my closest sailing friends have lived aboard for 26 years on a
*very* low budget, so it can definitely be done. The real question is
whether you're suited for the life-style.
Put it this way - I am so friggin unhappy working in a corporate
environment where ass-kissing and being two-faced is rewarded with
promotions and where not being that kind of person is punished - I want
out - I need out - I have friends but I am a solitary person - I love
photog and playing guitar.
There is no IF about whether or not I can learn to sail or learn to fix
engines or sew sails - I will learn those things. There is no IF about
whether or not the lifestyle is for me or IF I will enjoy it - Come and
work in the ******** I work in and you'll do anythging to get out - and
my last 2 companies were not much different. There is not an issue
about whether or not I'll have enough space - I already have given away
a lot of my possessions and feel the need to do another "cleaning".
There is only one IF - or should I say "CAN" - CAN I make money as a
freelance photographer and if so how much or how little? That is the
only variable that needs to be addressed.
4-10K a year on boat maintenance and costs? A few years back I cut all
unnecessary spending andd recorded every dollar I spent. I cooked all
my own meals and I averaged $200 a month on groceries - that's on
average $2400 per year. So can I make $6400 - $12,400 a year? Even a
bad photographer makes that much. I gaurantee you I'm good enough to
make more than $1000 a month. An art gallery exhibit or an art festival
could make me that much in a few days. And most of my photogs will go
for at least $100 but more often $200 and up. And take mags like
Backpacker t hat pay $400 a day for a minimun of 5 days of backpacking
and photos - I slready contacted them - they just need to see my pics
before they hire me - so it jsut boils down to doing a few hikes a year
for them which will be hard work but so what. And that's just one mag
that does conttract work like that.
Thanks for your help.