Volvo DP-S Drive Drain Plug O-Ring Size
babock wrote:
Anyone know what size the 955981 Volvo o-ring is on the DP-S drain
I am tired of paying over $3 for these from the dealer.
Bruce, their's more to an O ring than just size, you need the proper
material, and the list of differant materials is very long. Also, O
rings can be cheap, for large quantities, you could buy 10,000 of them
for 3 cents each, but at $3 each it's cheaper to but one, you only need
one a season (they may decay over time, so you may not be able to buy a
large quantity and be able to use them).
My point is, do you really want to chance getting the wrong part, and
end up with a very expensive repair to your outdrive, for $3? Even at
$150 each it's probably not worth it.