Volvo DP-S Drive Drain Plug O-Ring Size
Lowes has generic o-rings as well. They come in a box with half a
dozen or so. That way you'll be set for life :-) They'll last years
sitting on a shelf.
basskisser wrote:
Capt John wrote:
babock wrote:
Anyone know what size the 955981 Volvo o-ring is on the DP-S drain
I am tired of paying over $3 for these from the dealer.
Bruce, their's more to an O ring than just size, you need the proper
material, and the list of differant materials is very long. Also, O
rings can be cheap, for large quantities, you could buy 10,000 of them
for 3 cents each, but at $3 each it's cheaper to but one, you only need
one a season (they may decay over time, so you may not be able to buy a
large quantity and be able to use them).
My point is, do you really want to chance getting the wrong part, and
end up with a very expensive repair to your outdrive, for $3? Even at
$150 each it's probably not worth it.
It's for an oil plug, and just about any neoprene type will work great!
You can go to NAPA, size them up, and life will be good.