bilge pump Q for bayliner 2150 classic
kyle wrote:
thanks for all of the responses!!
i can describe the symptoms a little better as i got out last night and
started tinkering...
when i connect the bilge pump to the battery, it emits a low humming
noise. when i put the key in the ignition and turn on the manual bilge
pump, it emits a loud humming noise. when i flip the manual bilge pump
switch off, the low humming noise remains... there is no water by the
pump, either...
what do you guys think?
It is time to buy a new pump and before installing the pump, check the
wires from the bilge to the switch to make sure there is no short.
If you have a short, and you can not see an obvious problem at the
battery or switch, install new wires from the bilge to the switch.
For me the time you spend repairing a pump, or chasing down a short, it
is cheaper to just replace it and the wiring.