SCORE!!!! Score & SCORE!!!!
I thought this was going to be about football
"Capt" Rob wrote ...
Mainsail has arived!!! The condition is LIKE NEW. The oirginal owner
You bought used sails? Don't you know how to order new ones,
or did the sailmakers laughing discourage you?
Capt.Mooron wrote:
For the sake of brevity and to give the rest of the posters a well deserved
keyboard break.... please allow me to summarize the pending replies to this
Now all you need is real wood in that bleach bottle coastal sailer!!
Tried.... the Ents came and took it back, they didn't want
any wood to be embarassed.
Let's see... Vinyl interior, Vinyl sails.... you know what the siding
salesmen always say... Vinyl is Final.
Are you thinking "Viking funeral"?
The kicker won't start, the sails will be impossible for you to handle and
there won't be a usable item for you to salvage and pawn on Ebay!!!
Nah, you can sell *any*thing on Ebay.
Thanx and I'll be here all week.
That's some actual good news, hope you have a good week.
Joe wrote:
Welcome back Mooron,
Speaking of Scoring I just closed a HUGE deal in Canada, and your
dollar is at an almost record high of 91.44...... Good Day!
You know why? A hockey team from North Carolina won the
Stanley Cup, everybody is staying sober & going to work with
a new sense of determination to see it doesn't happen again.