Hummers--- over there
"jiminfl" wrote in message
Eisboch wrote:
"Jim" wrote in message
"Eisboch" wrote in message
"Jim" wrote in message
Looks like a tadpole with wings. What the heck is it?
I knew I'd stump you if I showed you something without an ignition key.
Must be one of those damn banana beetles.
Is it snowing yet "on da boat"?
Eisboch (on da boat)
I can buy house, car and boat insurance at reasonable rates.
I can enter the water without fear of being eaten, attacked or stung.
I can enjoy the change of seasons.
I can snow ski in January and water ski in June.
I can leave my house in July without sweating my arse off.
I can purchase a house at a reasonable rate.
Florida? Not for me. ;-)