Are polls taking a toll?
"P.Fritz" wrote in message
"NOYB" wrote in message
Zogby is an Arab-American. He may be a wee bit biased, no?
Isn't his brother on the Dem's national Committee?
Yes. Here's a bio on his brother:
James J. Zogby is founder and president of the Arab American Institute.
Since 1985, he has led AAI's efforts to secure Arab American political
He hosts "A Capital View," a weekly TV-call in program, broadcast by the
Arab Network of America and simulcast by the Middle East Broadcasting
Company, a London-based TV network..
Since 1992, Zogby has written "Washington Watch," a weekly column on U.S.
politics for the major newspapers of the Arab world.
A lecturer and scholar on Middle East issues, U.S.-Arab relations, and the
history of the Arab American community, Zogby frequently appears as a guest
on major network TV and radio programs.
Zogby has been active in U.S. politics for many years. In 1994, he was
appointed to the Democratic National Committee, and in September 1999, he
was named to its Executive Committee. In 1995, he was named co-convener of
the National Democratic Ethnic Coordinating Committee, a group of Democratic
Party leaers of European and Mediterrean descent.
1984, he was vice-chairman and deputy campaign manager for the Jesse Jackson
for President Campaign and introduced Jackson's name for nomination at the
1984 Democratic National Convention.
In 1988, as a member of the Democratic Party's National Platform Committee,
he led the first debate on Palestinian rights at the Democratic National
Convention in Atlanta.
The policy side of Zogby's work has been no less significant.
In 1986, he co-authored "The Politics of Exclusion," a study of
discrimination against Arab Americans in U.S. politics. The study formed the
basis for a decade-long effort to end such discrimination.
In 1991, Zogby authored a Middle East peace proposal, which was endorsed by
the foreign ministers of Tunisia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the Palestine
Liberation Organization.
He also co-authored "Arab American Merchants and the Crisis of the Inner
City; Cleveland: A Case Study" (1995) and "The Department of Justice and the
Civil Rights of Arab Americans (1998), both of which were instrumental in
addressing and remedying critical civil rights concerns of Arab Americans.
In 1998, Zogby participated in the White House Conference on Hate Crimes. He
currently is a member of the advisory council of the National Center for
Hate Crime Prevention.
For the past two decades, Zogby has been involved in a range of Arab
American issues. He was a co-founder and chairman of the Palestine Human
Rights Campaign in the late 1970s. In 1980, he co-founded the American-Arab
Anti-Discrimination Committee and served as executive director until 1984.
In 1982, he co-founded Save Lebanon Inc, a humanitarian relief organization
that provides health care funds for victims of war in Lebanon.
Zogby is a board member of Middle East Watch, a human rights organization,
and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
He received a doctorate in religion Temple University in 1975 and a bachelor
of arts from Le Moyne College. Le Moyne named him outstanding alumnus in
1997 and awarded him an honorary doctorate in 1997.
Zogby is married to Eileen Patricia McMahon and has five children.