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Lady Pilot Lady Pilot is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2006
Posts: 22
Default 893 new posts and 879 of them are worthless and off topic

"DSK" wrote:
Ellen MacArthur wrote:
Quite an embarrassing showing. You can do better. PLEASE!

Are the flonkers back? I certainly don't see that many.

What is a "flonker"?

As for off topic, you should check the discussion between Dave & I about
stocks & corporations. If you learn how to invest successfully, you'll be
able to afford a much much better boat.

I don't have the time anymore...I have been studying law books day and
night, including weekends! I've called a couple of lawyers, but they told
me they don't do "this" anymore, considering the laws are "so tough"

LP (practicing law without a

PS I thought Federal Court would be as easy as state court...boy did I have
a lot to learn! Where's Dave when you need him?