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Default All chain rode is for old men

JAXAshby wrote:
a.) they do, and

LOL We could keep this "yes"/"no" up for months, but since I doubt
you've ever sailed on a ship, how's bout showing us where you got this
ridiculous idea that ships keep their engines running while at anchor.

b.) it is not germaine to the discussion of safe anchoring of recreational

On the contrary. The same things apply. The main difference is relative


anchoring on all chain is done by weak old men unable to lift a 35# anchor.

Once again .... NO THEY DON'T.

Now, so you understand .... IF it's a steam ship, after anchoring, they
will "spin" the turbines for a while and then put them on the "jacking"
gear to cool them, unless it's to be a short anchoring (in which case
they'll "spin" them to keep them warm). Naturally the boilers remain on
line since they are used for Hotel services.
Diesel electric: Depending on the setup, if the generators for the
engine are exclusive to the main propulsion, they will be secured.(same
with GT)
Straight GT: Shut down.
Direct drive diesel: (majority of larger ships) SHUT DOWN, PERIOD.


JAXAshby wrote:

But you haven't seemed to grasp the fact that navy
ships and commercial ships do not "leave their engines running" while in

but they do while "at anchor". check it out.