Subject: All chain rode is for old men
From: (JAXAshby)
Date: 05/12/2004 21:05 Pacific Standard Time
Is everyone misguided, save you?
my opinion is no different that the physicists, US Mil Spec and the oil rig
Jax You wouldn't know an oil rig from an oil platform, much less how they
anchor them.
Obviously, just another Jaxtroll, wherein he knows not of what he speaks, but
insist on throwing in his usual "physicists" and "US Mil Spec" smokescreens in
a vain attempt to bamboozle the unwary.
Are we now to add "Oil Rig Designer" to your imaginary knowledge base?
Oh yeah, almost forgot ..... no matter how many times you try and say otherwise
..... ships do not run their engines when at anchor in a open roadstead, except
in extrodinary conditions (in which case, if they could, they'd be gone).