gene, would you mind very much not posting when you are drunk? wait until a
day or two from now and then try to rewrite your post below:
b.) they never weather a storm at anchor.
most recreational boaters don't either.... and if they did, hopefully
they would have sense enough to put a snubber on each anchor line.
a "storm" strong enough to jerk and all chain rode loose from the bottom on
for an anchored recreational sailboat is not even 20 knots of wind and 3
but thanks for enlightening us, for you have told us *you* are always tied
the dock at the end of the day, so you buy 300# of chain just so you can
about buying 300# of chain to weight down the bow of you boat.
Nice grammar, JAX. You must cut have cut English to go to two physics
Anyway, my boat is poorly suited to be an overnighter, so why wouldn't
I tie up every night? I bought the boat to fish with, not cruise.....
did you think you were posting this to
Wrong again, I haven't bought 300# of chain, but I have and continue
to seriously considered it because it stores much better than plastic
and is much less prone to pull out of sand with (necessarily) short
I use 30 feet of chain and 270 feet of 1/2 line (uh, that's rope, for
you, I guess). Since you are the resident math champion,
figure this out and see how much rode you would use..... in the
waters off of Southern NC where I boat, most bottom fishing is done in
85 feet of water. You think 300 feet of rode is excessive? I
certainly don't have room for 600 feet of 1/2 nylon rode.
Grady-White Gulfstream, out of Southport, NC. Homepage Where Southport,NC
is located. Real Time
Pictures at My Marina
at Lee Yeaton's Bayguide