Gene Kearns wrote:
On Sat, 28 Oct 2006 10:55:31 -0400, Bert Robbins penned the following
well considered thoughts to the readers of
Starbucks sells lousy coffee.
Port City Java. Kicking major Starbucks *ss and coming to a city near
7-11 regular coffee with International Delights Hazelnut creamers.
24oz coffee, 4 creams, 2 sugars = waking up in the morning.
Similar. We grind our own Maxwell House beans, as needed. Don't do
froo-froo creamers, but I do like lots of half-and-half and a bit of
Still, a good PCJ cup one or twice a week is a good thing!
Excuse me, it is not froo-froo cream. It is a flavored cream. A great
tasting flavored cream.
I used to drink my coffee black because it took less time to get a cup
and go until my sister told me to take time and enjoy the coffee the way
you want.