just me wrote:
As I stated earlier, I just replaced my dickenson with another dickenson.
The new one is even better than it's predesessor. We use it alot, mainly to
cook meat and steam veggies, and bake potatoes. In December, we'll be full
time liveaboard cruisers.
Got to agree. Lived with an oil fired model years ago. Nothing like a
toast and dry boat on a wet cold day. The oil fired stoves are greatly
improved over the old school models. When I hit the loto or my ex wife
pays all the back child support she owes I might be able to afford my
dream power boat: Gulf Shrimper 80'x23'x12' and of course that CAT
Then I could slip that sweet Dickinson Atlantic stove in the kitchen.
Yesterday was bright sunny warm with a beautiful wind from the
WNW........ although the fog rolled in. Today wet and gray on the
Oregon Coast.