What I find interseting...
Maxprop wrote:
"Scotty" wrote in message
. ..
What I find really interesting is, that whenever a ROR, or
ColRegs question pops up, there's *always* an argument on
interpretation between the experts and ''Capts." here. To
hear the goings on here you would think there'd be a lot
more accidents than what there already is.
Perhaps it's fortunate that the "experts" and "captains" herein aren't
actually doing commercial work on the water, Pete excepted.
I don't have a Master's licence and never will. I have a professional
crew that takes our ship where I want it to go subject to overriding
safety factors. We also don't care overmuch about bumping into stuff,
provided it's not more than 1 couple metres thick or weighs less than
5K tonnes.
The only qualification I need for my toy sailboat is my desire to sail
Otnbrd is a pro, IIRC.
Yup. I avoid commercial vessels like the plague. And I try to avoid
shipping lanes and channels whenever possible.
As I said to Donal years ago, the main rule to keep in mind when
dealing with commercial vessels is the rule of tonnage. As per usual,
he didn't understand it because he couldn't find it in the ColRegs.