What I find interseting...
"Maxprop" wrote in m
Several years ago a fishing tug disappeared on Lake
Michigan on a clear,
calm, sunny day without a trace. It was almost a year
before they
located the wreck. It had been crushed, and linear red
paint streaks
were all over the boat. The investigation was
relatively easy, and the
red barge that ran the tug down was located in Chicago,
sporting damage
to the bow and underbelly. Charges were filed and the
"captain" who
skippered the tug pushing the barge either faces trial
for, or has been
convicted of, negligent homicide--I can't recall which.
Rather supports your theory stated in your first
paragraph, Scoot.
Am I Scoot or is Scotty Scoot?? :-o
Scotty = Scooter = Scoot.
Also known as Capt Neal, Binary Bill, Joe Redcloud, OzOne,
Dr. Armpit, Jax, Loco, Marty, Capt Mooron, Nav, Bart and