What I find interseting...
Maxprop wrote:
"Jeff" wrote in message
. ..
Maxprop wrote:
"Scotty" wrote in message
. ..
What I find really interesting is, that whenever a ROR, or
ColRegs question pops up, there's *always* an argument on
interpretation between the experts and ''Capts." here. To
hear the goings on here you would think there'd be a lot
more accidents than what there already is.
Rather supports your theory stated in your first paragraph, Scoot.
I'm not sure what it shows at all. Are you claiming that tug masters
shouldn't learn the rules because then they would keep a better lookout?
Yeh, that makes sense.
I left Scotty's first paragraph (above) for you to re-read.
I read it again and still don't see the connection. As I said, I
don't buy the basic premise that the "pro's" and the "experts"
disagree on the rules. Its the amateurs and wannabees, who make up
rules because they sound reasonable, that have the disagreements.
And the case you mentioned presumably involved total lack of lookout
by both parties, followed by leaving the scene, possibly a criminal
act. How this relates to a disagreement over the rules is beyond me.