What I find interseting...
On Sun, 29 Oct 2006 01:11:56 -0400, "Scotty"
What I find really interesting is, that whenever a ROR, or
ColRegs question pops up, there's *always* an argument on
interpretation between the experts and ''Capts." here. To
hear the goings on here you would think there'd be a lot
more accidents than what there already is.
I don't have a Capt license, nor do I want one. I haven't
read all the rules and regs., and even if I did I wouldn't
remember 90% of them. When I sail I basically use common
sense and try to be safe.
Just a thought.
After Jeff tried to convince me and the group that ColRegs would
indicate that a couple of kids on beach launched sunfish's playing in
a fifty foot wide channel did have the right of way based on tack over
my channel bound, engineless, sail boat, tacking up wind in that
narrow channel to get to port, and that I, in deference to them,
should put my boat on the rocks or up on the beach, or possibly turn
around and go back out until they get tired of playing in said
channel, I think I'll go with Scotty's common sense approach.