This is a perfect example of the kind of info you can expect to read in any
NG, Gould, one of the more knowledgeable boaters in the NG, throws out a
theory that maybe the NE Blackout is the result of a terrorist attack. Is
this accurate, as of now it does not appear to be, but it is a great way to
start a bull**** discussion that will soon evolve into a political
"noah" wrote in message
On 14 Aug 2003 23:13:02 GMT, (Gould 0738) wrote:
Within the last couple of days they arrested two guys at the Seattle
One was on the "do not fly" list.
Both had Pakistani passports, and had slipped illegally into the US
across the
Candian border at Blaine.
Both guys paid cash for one-way tickets to NY.
Was it a coincidence that they wanted to be in NY this afternoon?
At first, I wondered the same as you did. As this thing unfolds, it
seems that our local northern NY power company, Niagara Mohawk,
experienced a major failure, and knocked down the Northeast grid like
a box of Dominos. Coincidently, Niagara Mohawk was sold to a British
Corporation a few years ago, and service has suffered ever since.
In my opinion, we are vulnerable enough when our utilities are
controlled by corporate interests. We are even more vulnerable, as a
society, when our utilities are controlled by a foreign corporate
I am one of the lucky few with electricity tonight. My daughter is
still stuck on a Metro train in NY, trying to get home to Albany.
***News Flash*** NBC just announced a report that lightning struck a
Niagara Mohawk powerplant, causing the cascade. What?????
Regards from the Great, Dark, Northeast,