OT JoeTechnician licensed engineer or not?
Please show where I said I was PERSONALLY licensed in 27 states. Now,
are you licensed in Georgia, as an engineer, as you previously stated,
or are you a contractor?
Can't keep up with all your lies can you?
You ignorant putz!!!! Can you take ANYTHING in context, JoeTechnician?
You said-
"I'm now licensed in 27 states, work for
an engineering company that's specialty is large industrial design"
How am I taking this out of context?
this is what I said:
I'm now licensed in 27 states, work for
an engineering company that's specialty is large industrial design.
Now, I could see how someone could take this to me that me, myself was
licensed in 27 states, I'll grant you that. BUT, the meaning was the
COMPANY is licensed in 27 states.
You now admit that you said it, but now you didn't mean it? You are too
Face it, you lied, and you got caught.
You got caught lying about the exact same thing you accused me of by stating
" I'm now licensed in 27 states"
The only difference is that I never stated that I was a Licensed Engineer.
At least I got you to admit that you *are* JimDandy.
Now, why would you need reciprocity for a CONTRACTOR'S license? You
can pay a few bucks and get a contractor's license in almost ANY
Maybe in your state.
If the laws in Georgia are that lax, it would go a long way in explaining
how you were able to get your P.E. license.