What I find interseting...
Your responses below are exactly the nonsense I'm talking about:
A. You don't understand the potential dangers in any towing situation.
B. You don't know what Rule 2 is nor do you comprehend it's meaning, nor
it's importance when obeying other rules.
"Ellen MacArthur" wrote
| this does not mean you can ignore that
| possibility he is RAM, while towing.... to do so means you don't know
| or understand Rule 2.
I totally disagree with you here. I can't agree because he CAN'T
be RAM
unless he's "unable to keep out of the way of another vessel." / rule
3(g). Your little pram towing IS able to keep out of the way of
another vessel. He can stop, he can turn, he can slow down..... He's
Rule 2? W'ere talking about rule 3. Duh!
| 4. If you don't think a small underpowered pram towing a 26' boat is
| more than likely "severely restricted" under all but the best
| conditions (if then), then you don't understand the potential dangers
| of towing and it's highly unlikely you can apply these dangers to
| other vessel configurations.
Even if I agree it's severely restrected I disagree that it's
*unable*. It's got to
be both to be RAM. Rule 3 says it. I don't have to be a towing expert
to apply the rule. They wrote it so people didn't have to be experts
at everything to understand it. They wrote it so the average Joe could
understand it. They put examples in so the average Joe could see it in
his mind. Your having trouble because your much more experienced than
the average Joe. You read stuff into the rule that ain't there. Your
like a chess player having to play checkers. I'm an average Joe. They
wrote the rule for people like me. That's why I understand it better.
I don't complicate it. I don't know how. I don't have the experience.