Kerry's Joke
Charlie Morgan wrote:
On Fri, 03 Nov 2006 05:16:08 GMT, "Maxprop" wrote:
"Charlie Morgan" wrote in message
.. .
It's almost impossible to turn on the radio, surf the net, open a
newspaper or watch TV without hearing about John Kerry's "joke." But
it's just as impossible to hear what John Kerry actually said, in
context. All you can find is the part that Karl Rove wants you to
All right, Karl Rove !!! Keep up the good work.
Isn't it interesting how so many prominent Democrats demanded Kerry's
No. The Democratic party is made up of people who think for themselves. They are
not a mindless herd like the Republicans.
Personally I don't see why he apologized, if he meant what he said.
He didn't apologoze for what he said. He apologized to anyone who was stupid
enough to misstake what he said as an affront to the troops. In other words,
"I'm sorry you are an idiot".
If anybody else had said this, we would believe him about his botched
joke. However, Kerry has made a habit of insulting US troops so
anybody who has followed what he has said in the past realizes he
really meant to be insulting to the troops. C. Morgan can try to spin
this any way he likes but Kerry's past has caught up with him.
The Democrats, true to form think everybody else is too stupid to make
the connections with what Kerry said in the past with what he says
today. Perhaps it is because Dems do not learn from the past. If that
is the case, who is stupid? The Dems lose due to their arrogance and
they seem to not be able to figure this out. Many Dems actually say
that they are glad that soldiers get killed because the soldiers are
stupid and then they blame us for regarding what they say as relevant.
Making the same mistakes over and over surely isnt a sign of
intelligence but the Dems have embraced the same failed ideas for
decades and seem to have no new ideas. lacking neew ideas they now
embrace dictatorships and ant-semitism as marks of their intelligence.
This election really isnt about the individual running for election, it
is about the failed philosophy of the Dem lefties vs the attempts of
the Bush admin to do the difficult task of trying to spread democracy.
Sometimes you fail when trying to do the right thing, however, that is
better than the Dem tactic of doing nothing or doing the wrong thing.