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Chad Hansen
Posts: n/a
Default I think the starter is gone now!

If you let the smoke out of it there is a really good chance its damaged.I
would agree with rebuilding it.Make sure there is nothing dragging it
down.Ground it well.
"Ree-Yees" wrote in message
.. .
Didnt know that could be done! Will definitly try to go that route. I
wonder how much a boat mechanic will charge to tell me for sure if its the
starter or not.


"Gordon" wrote in message
Pull the old one and have rebuilt. Much cheaper and it has to come out
"Ree-Yees" wrote in message
I guess I dont have much luck on the water :-)

When I crank it it will try a couple times to turn over and some smoke

out of the starter. Tried jumping it from a running car to make sure

plenty of juice, but did the same thing.

I was floating out on the lake when this happened and had to have the

patrol pull me in for $50!

Anyways, anyone know what kind of starter I should be asking for when

around tomorrow? My motor is a 1987 Mercruiser inboard/outboad motor.

I'll try calling some boat shops I guess to find one.