Cal Vanize wrote in news

I'm requesting help in identifying these resources, preferably onlline,
that we coould use to figure out what fits our needs and budget.
Here, take a little video ride.....
My captain sold his Endeavour 35 and we brought home an Amel Sharki 41
ketch from Florida. He's decided $1M+ for the 54 is a little pricey for
tooling around the harbor...but we can all dream, right? Go watch the
movie and look at the pictures. Amel makes amazing yachts.
You won't even need a winch handle, what with all the power winches and
in-mast power roller furling....(c; Dream about that when you're
standing on the bow trying to drag down the jib in a gale and get it in
the damned bag all wet...without being dragged over the side...(c;
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt....
Call me when your 54 is delivered and I'll bring you a new STRAIGHT BLADE
screwdriver so you can unscrew damned French screws...
Halloween candy left over.....
Is there a downside?