I think the starter is gone now!
"Ree-Yees" wrote:
All this has already been but...
If there was smoke coming from the starter it
is almost certainly damaged.
Usual testing of a starter is they remove it and
then directly connect a known good battery
to it. Since there is no load on it, it should
"pop up" and spin freely.
Sometimes a starter has a "bad spot". This
means that it works sometimes and not
other times. This is why rapping a starter
with a hammer will sometimes/often get it
to start. You still need to replace the starter,
but the hammer trick may get you out of
a bind. Good for vehicles and boats.
Rebuilt is often the way to go. Cheaper and
usually just as good. We had ours rebuilt. And
if it's a common model they might already
have one rebuilt and you just swap yours for
that one.
Anyone know if renuilders usually offer any length
of warrantee...or is it usually "as is" ??
I'm not sure what our vendor's policy is/was.
Good Luck.