High Fives to...
Harry Krause wrote:
On 11/8/2006 7:34 AM, Reginald P. Smithers III wrote:
Eisboch wrote:
"Harry Krause" wrote in message
. ..
On 11/8/2006 3:31 AM, jps wrote:
Harry, Doug, Chuck, thunder, basssmootcher and you moderates who know our
country is better off with a neutered Bush and the spend and borrow
congress sent to pasture.
Perhaps we can now begin to repair our world relations, balance our
budget and restore some sanity to our country.
Thank God the country has come to its senses. My hat is off to the
framers for their foresight.
Neutered Bush...hehehe. Good one.
I'll steal that one.
Congrats are in order for the Democrats and their supporters.
The close margin in the 2004 election, should have told the Republicans
there was no mandate for their ultra right wing policies, so it should
not be a surprise that they lost Congress. I am surprised they did not
lose the Senate also. What happened to Republicans who believed in a
true conservative agenda, versus this Neo-Conservative agenda pandering
to the lowest common denominator.
If the current 1900-vote spread holds in Montana, the GOP will also
lose the Senate. Senator Macaca in Virginia is about 8000 votes behind,
not a total likely to be changed in an honest recount.
I think we will take the senate.