High Fives to...
On 8 Nov 2006 08:26:08 -0800, "Chuck Gould"
Batten down the hatches. Even if Pelosi honors her pledge not to seek
impeachment (and she *should* honor the pledge and not drag the country
through that pointless, divisive mess again) we're about to redefine
ugly government. Woah.
The political animosity in this country during the next two years is
going to make the last 8 seem like church supper. Too damn bad. If each
side is so fricking "right" about all of these issues, you'd think we
could craft arguments that would stand on their own without all of the
emotional name calling and hysterical rhetoric. I see no evidence
that's the case, on either side, and I don't hold out much hope for
change anytime soon. Political discourse in this country assumes the
average American has a sixth grade education and an IQ of about 70. :-(
(This will be my sole political comment to rec.boats regarding the 2006
elections. My apologies to one and all for mounting the soap box......)
Chuck, maybe the politicians are just normal people like us. Look how
little it takes here for a political discussion to turn to a ****-slinging,
name-calling flamefest.