Leaving ASA for Good
On Wed, 08 Nov 2006 09:01:34 -0500, ah
transparently proposed:
Aratzio wrote:
On Tue, 07 Nov 2006 16:57:49 -0500, ah
transparently proposed:
Aratzio wrote:
On Tue, 07 Nov 2006 07:10:19 +0000, Paul {Hamilton Rooney}
transparently proposed:
On Tue, 7 Nov 2006 04:11:25 -0000, "Steve Leyland"
d wrote:
Hi. This is the meow-send program at usenet. I'm afraid I wasn't able to
deliver any clue to the following address: "Lady Pilot"
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
: "Capt. Rob" :
:: No, not me. For those who have direct contact with him, you'll know
:: this letter is real. The is due to actions again by Jonathan.
: So Jonathan Ganz, who morphs as Capt. JG and spams the group
: repeatedly with his company URL has got another account pulled
: because he disagrees with them? How many accounts has he had pulled
: thus far?
: I think all of the Usenet admins should get together and have his
: Supernews account pulled. Gaynz's netkkkoping is almost equivilent
: to Wollman's about 10 years ago.
: Maybe the good folks at AMH can take a look see and maybe come up with
: something creative? BG
ganz is still at it with the netKKKopping? some people will never
: LP
: see details below
:: Anyway... things will work out. I'm not returning to the group.
:: Mind You.... You leaving the group would cause it irrepairable
:: damage. They would be talking about you for years.
:: You should let the group know what happened.
:: I don't want to return at all... not even to post my departure. I
:: will confirm it to others who post to ASA with which I have contact.
:: You are free to notify the group of my decision. Matter of fact...
:: you are free to post whatever portion of this letter you decide
:: appropriate to the newsgroup as well.
:: The sad thing is I've always approached posting to the group with a
:: clear mind that everyone was playing a character of sorts and plotted
:: my scenarios much like the WWF wrestling.. good guy goes bad etc.
:: Had I known that there are people so maladjusted as to take any of
:: the posts seriously... I would have utilized one of the over 500
:: telephone ISPs to connect to it. I thought maybe Ganz's initial
:: reporting was due to temporary insanity caused by personal stress...
:: a one time thing. I have discovered he has reported me no less than
:: 3 times.. all well prepared and submitted with the intent to have me
:: lose my account. I should have realized that Jon's latest attempts
:: to resolve matters was simply a warning that if I refused to comply
:: he would undertake further action against me. I consider Ganz to be
:: unstable and did not want to establish communications with him.
:: I seriously do not consider anything I've posted to the group
:: sufficient to warrant what has happened. I have never masked my id or
:: forged id's to fool filters. I have always been clear that my trolls
:: were identified with the "" symbol. I have posted regular
:: disclaimers and attempted to maintain a regime that would provide
:: some entertainment value. I have recommended that people killfile me
:: if they were offended or not entertained. I have provided them with
:: a manner to do so and have consistently maintained my posts so as to
:: not circumvent filters.
:: You can confirm to the group that I will not return due to Ganz's
:: latest actions. Not that I can't.... just that I've decided to move
:: on since playing with psychotic individuals who are deluded enough to
:: confuse reality with an unmoderated newsgroup and haven't the self
:: discipline to killfile someone they dislike is beyond my capacity to
:: indulge.
:: Anyway,, I'll miss our running battles. Everyone needs a "bad guy" to
:: feel superior to and you provide that venue for many. Your posts
:: provided me with much enjoyment and laughter as did the battles of
:: wit ,comedy and ribbing with other members of the group who had the
:: where with all to comprehend that this was after all.. not reality
:: but a venue to discuss various topics including sailing while
:: exercising some creative writing style.
:: Take Care Rob
:: Later
:: Guy
netkkkopping, eh?
What ng does he post to?
Stop that!
Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?