OT- Congratulations
Congratulations to the Dems (I aint no Dem either).
NOYB wrote:
"Getting people to vote for moderates, in order to put extremists in power,
may be the newest and biggest voter fraud." --Thomas Sowell
You think Mr. and Mrs. Johnston in bum-foch N. Carolina have any idea just
how far to the left Nancy Pelosi is compared to their newly-elected
representative...Heath Schuler?
That's right, all the voters are stupid because they didn't
pick your candidate, NOBBY?
Wait a minute, not long ago that's what you claimed the
elitist left-wing snobs were saying...
The Democrats ran candidates from the far right in order to put their
far-left candidates in power. That won't play well in the '08 election.
Keep right on shreiking about how the mainstream of
Democratic Party is a bunch of leftist whackos. That's what
brought you yesterday's vote.