It sounds like me, though I'm not fishing and I don't mind the
"Once you've found biting fish, you may want to anchor the canoe in
position. When anchoring a canoe use two anchors to minimize the boat
from swinging (unless you intentionally want to do so to fish a wider
area). To properly anchor a canoe, put one off the bow and the other
directly off the stern. Do not tie anchors off the sides of a canoe as
this can lead the canoe turning over in heavy waves. Mushroom or river
anchors between eight- to 15-pounds coupled with nylon rope will work
for most canoes. When tying off anchors use quick-release knots so
slack line can be let out in the event of unexpected waves surprising
you to ensure the canoe doesn't become swamped."
So one on the bow with short chain should do. Preferably Danforth.