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Default OT JoeTechnician licensed engineer or not?

"Joe" wrote in message ...
Please keep it a secret that I pull wire.
I wouldn't want my current employer to know that a "wire puller" is
designing their new long haul SONET network.

Yeah, sure, JoeTechnician. You've been caught in a very long winded
lie. Should I recap just exactly what you've claimed-

Dont bother, I'll do it for you.
Here is exactly what I stated, in order from" The Bush Economy Stinks...and
Sinks" thread

1- I am an Engineer.

2- My title is "Telecommunications Infrastructure Engineer". I am licensed
Fl and Ga as a Limited Energy Specialist, and hold the professional
designation of RCDD. (Registered Communications Distribution Designer)

3- Not required nor available for Communications Engineering in FL or GA.
RCDD is the industry standard for communications engineering. 90% plus large
industry/government contracts require an RCDD stamped approval for all
communications design plans, and an RCDD onsite during installation for
QA/QC and PM.

4- Hey Asslicker, I never said I was a P.E.
Only 1 in 5 engineers are, or need to be. My specialty comes under Division
16 (Electrical) and must be stamped by a PE after my design.
5- I NEVER said I was an Registered Engineer in Georgia and Florida. I said
was licensed in Fl with (reciprocity in GA) as a Limited Energy Specialist.
I specifically stated that I was a "Telecommunications Infrastructure
6- One last time I shall try to explain to you.
I am an Engineer. A Telecommunications Engineer. My degree, experience,
responsibilities, and duties dictate this title within my organization.
I do ALL of the Telecommunications Engineering. My plans are inserted into
the Division 16 plans, and stamped by a P.E. when completed.
I am NOT a P.E., nor Registered, nor Certified, and never stated so.
I do NOT currently offer my services directly to the public. I work for an
Engineering Firm.
My title within my organization is legal, you may dispute this but it is
true. Read the law thoroughly.

The BICSI Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD)
certification that I hold is required on most large contracts, from the
Engineering of the systems through to the project management and QC of the
installation. This has been added to most specifications due to the limited
knowledge of these systems by most P.E.'s. It may hurt your feelings but
most customers do NOT want a P.E. designing their communications

My Limited Energy Specialty License is not required in my present position.
This license allows me to do all of the designing, pulling of permits,
hiring crews, etc, for any communications infrastructure or low voltage
projects in Fl, and Ga for which I directly contract with the public. I do
not need a P.E. to stamp my plans when contracting to the customer in
existing buildings. I submit my plans directly to the County in which the
work is performed.
I can not publicly advertise myself as an Engineer when contracting in this
role nor ever said I could.

RCDD since it is required on most large contracts.
LIMITED ENERGY SPECIALTY LICENSE when I contract directly to the public.

Understand now?

Absolutely, I've always understood:

You are not recognized in ANY state as an engineer.
You are a contractor.
Reciprocity in Georgia is a lie. You can't get reciprocity for a
contractor's license.
In the next post, you stated that in Florida, that a person can't even
build a deck without a PE stamping drawings to be submitted, but now
you claim that you can design, and build a complete communciations
infrastructure without having drawings stamped and signed by a PE??
Anybody can call THEMSELVES an engineer, including the man that picks
up my garbage. I think I'll call my wife, who owns a daycare center, a
Childcare Engineer. While I'm at it, I'll just tell everybody she's
licensed in Georgia, and has reciprocity in Florida...yeah, that's