basskisser wrote:
Reginald P. Smithers III wrote:
The GA Hope Scholarship still provides tuition to B students.
More for your information:
September 2003 - Perdue pushes to tie HOPE to SAT scores, threatening
to cut the number of eligible students in half.
January 2004 - Perdue unilaterally cuts HOPE funds
May 2004 - Perdue backs efforts to retroactively limit HOPE benefits
February 2005 - Perdue raids HOPE funds for pet project
You really should credit the people when you cut and paste articles.
The SAT scores provides a uniform bar to evaluate students test scores,
too many students were being given B grades who did not have the skills
to succeed in college.
What pet projects did Perdue raid the Hope funds? My understanding is
that this is illegal. Can you provide a link that discusses the
specific pet projects he funded by "rading the Hope Funds".