scbafreak wrote:
I have been looking at pictures of classic style sailing boat and keep seeing
this barrel in the middle of the deck on them. It's not on all of them but
it seems to be recurring. What is it for? I have never seen it in person but
here is a picture.
Does anybody know. It must have a purpose.
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Don't know what it is, either, but here are some significant clues.
First, it is lashed down on chocks; leading to a logical conclusion
that it must be regularly removed for some purpose or may just simply
need to be quickly removable. My first thought was a lift raft, but
additional observations dispel that theory.
Second, there is a fitting similar to a snatchblock protruding from a
bung on the upper side of the barrel. It is tempting to visualize a
length of cable stowed in the barrel with the snatchblock-type fitting
swaged to the end.
The open bung, and the generally decent condition of the varnished
exterior, suggest that if the barrel is removed it is not set afloat-
at least not for long periods.
Third, there appears to be round "inspection" access on the end of the
barrel to starboard in the photo.
Do you have photos of the same sort of barrel on other vessels?
Additional viewings might provide more clues.