Thread: radar questions
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b393capt b393capt is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 100
Default radar questions

4 units. Wow. What's the average life ?

Larry wrote:
"b393capt" wrote in

I use a Raymarine E-80 chartplotter and 2kw radome

Look inside your 2KW radome and see if it's all wet in there corroding up
the pot metal it's made of. We'll look at ours in spring to see if it
needs its 4th replacement....(sigh).

It doesn't really "leak", as in rainwater pouring in. It breathes. It
breathes in wet air after dusk which condenses all night on the pot metal
parts, then burns off into 100% humidity swamp all day, expelling some hot
air so it will be able to breathe in the next load of wet air, tonight.
The pot metal turns into a white powder conductive salt that rains down on
the circuit boards that SHOULD have been in a sealed container, but that
would have required we use sealed plugs, not pins sticking off the printed
circuit board for a connector. So they left it open. Not only is it all
corroded up on the outside....but inside, too, where the data and receiver
boards are located.

Notice how the magnetron's soft iron core is all rusted....

Halloween candy left over.....
Is there a downside?